
Good News Or Bad News - And The Difference Is?

 Ever had someone give you bad news? How about good news? What's the difference or is there a difference? Good news - stuff or information that makes us happy, content, reassured, secure and validated. Bad news - the opposite. So, it would appear that there is a difference between good and bad news - read on. Have you ever gotten bad news but in the end things turned out well or better than you anticipated? Have you ever received good news and over time what you thought was good news ended up being not so good? From personal experience I can tell you that I have experienced all four - Good news that was good. Bad news that was bad. Good news that I thought was good but ended up being bad. Bad news that I thought was bad and ended up being good. Confused yet? Well I know that over time I was often confused about the difference between these two apparent opposite messages. But then I learned that sometimes bad news for one person can be perceived as good news for someone else and tha...